Lord Ogre


Getting Started

This short guide will teach you the very basics on how to set up your OGRESWAMP!

Creating a swamp

Use the command /new to create a new swamp. Use /stats at anytime to check up on your swamp!

Training ogres

Training ogres is vital for survival. Try to aim at around 20% of your population being farmers and 5% miners. Use /Employ to start training ogres.

Staying fed

Once you have farmers and miners employed you will start to get onions and ore every half hour. Make sure to use /harvest often to collect these rewards!


Once you start to employ ogres you'll have to start paying them too! try setting a taxrate with /policy set! you can experiment with different values and see how they change your expenses with /stats. But try to not go over 20% as your ogres may start to get unhappy.

Swamp Growth

Once you have a stable swamp which can be self-sufficient you can start looking into growing your swamp. Happiness is a key element to swamp growth. The higher your happiness the faster your population will grow. However, It is important to keep in mind that only unemployed ogres can partake in population growth, so keep some ogres off work. If you ever need more unemployed ogres you can fire some workers with /unemploy.

Protecting what's yours (And stealing what isn't)

After growing your population enough you will find that you will have enough resources left over to allow for the creation of a small army. Doing so is an essential part of both defending your swamp from raiders and raiding from other people's swamps with /battle attack for resources and money! Just try to not to create too large of an army as warriors are both hungry and expensive to keep!

Swamp optimization

After getting a stable swamp you may decide to improve the workings of your swamp through player to player interactions. For example, depending on the current market conditions it may be cheaper to buy resources from bigger swamps with more upgrades with /market buy then it is to produce them yourself. If you don't know who to buy from you can always check the local listings in a server with /market listings.

This basic introduction to the ogreswamp should be satisfactory for getting you onto your feet. Once you are prepared to tackle more advanced issues and pursue the coveted Swamp Elite check out the Advanced help!