How to have lord ogre play audio in a voice channel
This short guide will teach you the ways of annoying your friends!
These commands haven't been updated to slash commands yet.
- "ogrejoin" - Lord Ogre joins your current VC and plays random shrek quotes
- "ogrejoin" + filepath - Lord Ogre will play a saved filepath
- >"ogrejoin guhmode" - Lord Ogre will confuse you
- >"ogrejoin usermode" - Lord Ogre will play random audio from the userfile
"ogreleave" - Lord Ogre will leave whatever VC he's in. Just don't use it when he's not in one. He may get angry.
"ogrejoin list" - shows all saved files
/Ogreremember - Upload a file to Lord Ogre
just message @twoweeber2 if you want a file taken down.