Lord Ogre

Advanced help

General swamp information

Population Growth



Happiness is determined by averaging the happiness of each ogre in your swamp. You can check the current values of these with /ogretype. Other things which change your happiness include:

-Winning a battle as
-Losing a battle (determined by how much you lose -10 @ 2hours of supplies)(defending only)
-taxrate (-taxrate/8)
-project rate (project rate * 8 / total population)
-Farmer - Miner fighting ( -15/30min at 1:1 ratio and no unemployment and swamp size > 10,000)

However, it's important to note that when you don't have enough onions, ore or money, you can only lose happiness.

How does not having food, ore or money affect the swamp?

When you have no food, ore or money you cannot gain happiness.

Money: 0-15% of unpaid ogres will quit and become unemployed ogres. You will lose 100 * debt / population in happiness

Onions: 0-15% of unfed ogres will starve and die. You will lose 200 * onion deficit / population in happiness

Ore: 0-15% of untooled ogres will quit and become unemployed ogres. You will lose 100 * ore deficit / population in happiness

What are the Leaderboard categories?

Swamp Elite: Swamp with the highest average ranking across the leaderboard.

Best Brawler: Swamp with the highest win:loss ratio.

Best Farmer: Swamp which has historically grown the most number of onions.

Best Miner: Swamp which has historically mined the most ore.

Most Developed: Swamp with the highest number of upgrades.

Fastest growth: Swamp which has on average gained the most population in a tick.

Most Employment: Swamp with the highest employment percentage.

Richest Swamp: Swamp with the most money.

Most educated: Swamp that historically has trained the most ogres when compared to their population growth.

Most Active: Swamp which has used the bot the most number of times.

Market master: Swamp which has made the most profit on the market.

Biggest swamp: Swamp with the most ogres. (Hidden)

Largest army: Swamp with the most warriors.

Battle Info

Advanced battle info


Tax rate

Tax rate takes a percentage of the $0.40 that every ogre in your swamp earns in half an hour. With a happiness penalty of tax rate/8

- Used for funding ogre activities

Project rate

Spend an amount of money every half hour to boost happiness. At a rate of money spent * 8 / total population.

- Useful when needing to get back to 100 happiness after a battle or poor swamp management

Ogre limiter

Limits the amount of new ogres which are produced.

- Useful when offline for extended periods of time to allow accurate hunger use predictions.

Civilian fighting

Chance of a farmer or a miner to start fighting in place of a warrior when your army has been defeated. But keep in mind your morale will decrease 10% faster when doing this and you can still surrender.